Left Side Rib Flare


Do you have a left side rib flare? I sure do! This can be common in postpartum women, although it is also found in women (and men) who haven’t children (me again🙋‍♀️). There a many factors that could be contributing to this: it can be caused from the inside out (1 heart, 1 liver, etc.), pregnancy, or your daily habits such as body positioning or posture &, your breathing pattern.

I have had a left side rib flare since I was a child. I never knew that it was fixable! There are a few exercises we can do to help fix left side rib flare through consistent practice. I wish I had a before picture to show my progress but honestly this is the best that my rib flare has ever looked. 

Below are a few exercises that you can practice to help improve left side rib flare. These exercises work on getting the left ribs down and in by strengthening the core muscles on the left side and opening up the muscles on the right side. Trying doing 1-3 sets of each exercise and let me know how it goes!


Exercise 1

  • Make sure you maintain a 360 degree breathing pattern (front, side, and back of ribs should expand on inhale).

  • Exhale from the bottom up and pull your left arm down and your right arm up.

  • Use your left oblique to pull your left arm down and bring your left ribs down and in.

  • Do not allow your back to overly arch or to “cheat” and scrunch or lean forward.

  • Hold the end position for a second and breath into your right side to open up the right side of your back.

  • Reset and repeat for 8-15 reps


Exercise 2

  • Make sure you maintain a 360 degree breathing pattern (front, side, and back of ribs should expand on inhale).

  • As you exhale reach the left arm forward, across, and down using your left obliques.

  • Hold the end position and breath into your right side.

  • On the exhale try to reach a little further by using those obliques and then reset.

  • Repeat for 8-12 reps


Exercise 3

  • Make sure you maintain a 360 degree breathing pattern (front, side, and back of ribs should expand on inhale).

  • Lie on your back and press your hands into a foam roller (or you could use yoga blocks etc.) and reach through your feet.

  • Press your arms into the foam roller, get a good inhale (360 breath) and on your exhale try to pull your rib cage down without tucking your bottom under.

  • Hold the exhale until your breath is completely emptied and reset and repeat for 5-10 breaths.


“You’d Be Proud of Me, I Exercised”


How to Journal for Fitness and Mental Health