Empowerment Through Strength

When you think of an “upper body workout for women” what comes to mind? When you google this question what first comes appears is most likely images with pink backgrounds and pink weights that probably weigh less than most women’s purse let alone a bag of groceries. Now I want you to picture being able to walk up to a pull-up bar and confidently know that you can lift your own body weight or being able to confidently execute push-ups from the floor. What images and feeling come to mind? This is empowerment through strength. While lately, there's been a large focus on lower body workouts, the significance of upper body training for women often goes unnoticed. Besides being a confidence booster, having upper body strength also creates empowerment in your day to day life, from being able to carry your groceries, lift children or pets, move furniture etc. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of upper body training and why it's a crucial component of women's fitness journeys.

Dispelling Myths: Looking “Bulky”

The notion that women shouldn't engage in upper body training due to concerns of developing a "bulky" appearance has long been debunked. Cue those pink pictures with the pink weights. While everyone has different opinion on what they consider to be “bulky”, for most women, achieving a "bulky" physique requires specific training protocols, diets, and genetic predispositions. Upper body training actually provides women with the tools to sculpt and define their muscles while enhancing overall fitness and strength. In order to build muscle (aka sculpt or tone) and create strength you must give your muscles a reason to. In other words, you need to create a challenge for yourself.

Functional Strength and Daily Life

There is nothing wrong with training for aesthetics. I would be lying if I said I didn't appreciate the back muscles and other upper body curves that strength training has given me. But upper body strength is not only about aesthetics, it’s also about improving daily functionality. Think about your everyday tasks that require upper body strength. Maybe this includes lifting groceries, carrying a child, lifting and carrying luggage, or even opening a jar. Incorporating upper body exercises like push-ups, rows, and shoulder presses can make these activities feel effortless, boosting confidence and independence.

Bone Health, Posture, & Metabolism

Strength training has been proven to help improve bone density. Women are more prone to developing conditions like osteoporosis due to hormonal changes during menopause. Strength training, including upper body exercises, is an effective way to promote bone health. Engaging in weight-bearing activities stimulates bone remodeling and increases bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis-related complications.

Our current lifestyles often involve long hours of sitting, hunching over screens and scrolling on phones. Upper body training helps balance these postures by strengthening the muscles responsible for maintaining an upright posture. Improved posture not only contributes to a confident appearance, it also may help to reduce the risk of chronic pain and other musculoskeletal problems.

Engaging in upper body strength training contributes to an increase in lean muscle mass. Since muscles are more metabolically active than fat, having more muscle means your resting metabolic rate (RMR) gets a boost. This can help with weight management and maintaining a healthy body composition.

Mental Resilience

The benefits of upper body training extend beyond just the physical. The sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering a challenging exercise or lifting heavier weights can boost self-esteem and mental resilience. As women achieve their upper body fitness goals, they become empowered to take on challenges in other areas of life, fostering a holistic sense of achievement and empowerment.

Variety in Workouts

Diversifying your workout routine by including upper body exercises adds variety and prevents boredom. Instead of focusing solely on lower body workouts, incorporating upper body training creates a well-rounded fitness regimen that targets different muscle groups. This balanced approach supports overall muscular development and reduces the risk of imbalances and injuries.

The benefits of upper body strength training encompass physical health, mental empowerment, and enhanced daily functionality. As women embrace their strength, they redefine norms and set new standards for what it means to be strong, capable, and confident. So, ladies, let's pick up those dumbbells, challenge our limits, and celebrate the empowerment that comes with building a strong upper body.

Upper Body Workout

Looking for an upper body workouts? Checkout the sample workout below to use during your next strength training day.

The workout: do 3-4 sets of each exercise, make sure you start your workout with a 5-10 minute light warm-up.

1A. Dumbbell Chest Press

  • x 8 reps

  • targets chest, triceps, shoulders

1B. Pull-ups or Assisted Pull-ups

  • x 6-8 reps

  • targets back, biceps

2A. Seated Shoulder Press

  • x 8 reps

  • targets shoulders, triceps

2B. Bentover Row (dumbbells or barbell)

  • x 10 reps

  • targets back, biceps

3A. Tricep Skull Crushers

  • x 12 reps

  • targets triceps

3B. Bicep Curls

  • x 12 reps

  • targets biceps

3C. Lateral Shoulder Raise

  • x 12 reps

  • targets shoulders,


Are You Ready to Run?


A case of the “shoulds”