Spring Into Wellness: Your Guide to Decluttering, Nutrition, and Workouts

Spring Into Wellness: Your Guide to Decluttering, Nutrition, and Workouts

As the days lengthen, temperatures warm, and the flowers start to bloom, there's a natural inclination to shake off winter and embrace the freshness of spring. This season offers a perfect opportunity to not just clean out our homes but also rejuvenate our bodies and minds. As holistic nutrition coach and a personal trainer, I understand that spring cleaning isn't just about decluttering the physical space we live in; it's also a time to reevaluate our nutrition and fitness routines for a healthier, happier life. Let's explore how you can revitalize your spring with a holistic approach to cleaning, nutrition, and workouts.


Home: Declutter Your Space, Declutter Your Mind

Spring cleaning has a remarkable effect on our mental well-being. Tidying up our living spaces can create a sense of order and calm that permeates every aspect of our lives. Start with one room at a time, going through drawers, closets, and shelves. Ask yourself: Do I use this? Does it bring me joy? If not, it might be time to let it go.

Don't just focus on physical clutter. Digital clutter, such as overflowing inboxes and disorganized files, can also contribute to stress. Take some time to organize your digital life, deleting old files, unsubscribing from unnecessary emails, and organizing your desktop.

Tip: Break up larger projects into smaller manageable tasks. Try setting a timer for 15-20 minutes, putting your phone away, and focus on completing a small task. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in a short period of time.


Nutrition: Fresh Start for a Fresh Season

Spring is a great time to reevaluate your eating habits and introduce more fresh, seasonal produce into your diet. As the farmer's markets come to life with colorful fruits and vegetables, take advantage of this abundance. Incorporate leafy greens like spinach and kale, vibrant berries, and crunchy vegetables into your meals.

Consider giving yourself one small nutritional change to focus on each week. Try focusing on consuming more whole foods, drinking plenty of water, trying new foods, or creating balanced meals that include veggies, proteins, fats, and carbs. If you’re looking for more help with nutrition, I’m here for you! Click here to learn how we can work together.


Workouts: Plan New Goals to Be Excited About

With warmer weather and longer days, it's the perfect time to revisit your workout goals or potentially set new goals. If you've been sticking to the same goals for a while, consider trying something new. Maybe sign up for a race, try a dance or yoga class, join a new program, or set a new goal like completing a pull-up or a push-up. Diversifying your routine not only keeps things interesting but also challenges your body in different ways.

Spring is also a great time to take your exercise outdoors and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunshine. Whether it's going for a run in the park, hiking a local trail, or practicing yoga in your backyard, connecting with nature can enhance the positive effects of exercise.

If you’re not sure where to start, I have a FREE 6 week beginner running plan! This plan give you structure for your running workouts and also tells you which days to strength train on or work on mobility and yoga. Click here to download your Free plan.


Mindset: Mindfulness in Motion

Spring is a time of renewal, and it's essential to take care of our mental health along with our physical health. There are many ways to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. They can be more formal routines such as a meditation, yoga practice, or journaling to simpler practices of going for a distraction free walk or having distraction free meal, or taking a few minutes each day to breathe deeply and be present. Mindfulness can reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

As you clean your space, nourish your body, and exercise, pay attention to how these activities make you feel. Cultivate gratitude for the ability to move your body, the food on your plate, and the comfort of a clean, organized home. A positive mindset can amplify the benefits of your efforts and set the tone for a vibrant spring season.


Spring cleaning isn't just about scrubbing floors and dusting shelves—it's a holistic endeavor that encompasses our physical environment, nutrition, and fitness. By decluttering our homes, we declutter our minds. Embracing seasonal, fresh foods nourishes our bodies, while adjusting our workouts invigorates us physically. And through mindfulness, we tie it all together, fostering a sense of well-being that extends beyond the spring season.

This spring, let's approach our lives with a sense of renewal and revitalization. As we clear out the old, we make space for the new—new habits, new energy, and a renewed zest for life. So, grab that broom, savor those strawberries, and hit the pavement with a spring in your step. Here's to a season of growth, health, and happiness! And remember, you don’t have to take on these new goals alone. If you’re looking for help, click here to begin our coaching journey together.


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